Subway and Flickr


I chose the Subway wordmark for its amazing design. All the letters are upper capital, and connect tightly. These letter may be used Helvetica, which is one of the world’s most widely used typefaces. White, yellow, and green serve as the symbolic color of Subway, and the white and yellow color combination of its wordmark reveals its object—to provide healthy and fresh food for people. The most creative things are “S” and “Y” with the little arrows, relating the meaning of subway.


Flickr is a website that people can upload and share their photograph. The wordmark of Flickr utilizes all lower capital that looks friendly. The blue and pink color combination looks bright and interesting, which can easily attract people’s attention. It uses pink color to make “r” stand out, which stands for “-er”.

I think the common point of Subway and Flickr is the utilization of color. Both of them are good at finding the best color combinations to demonstrate their brands.

2 thoughts on “Subway and Flickr

  1. Although it is not my favorite, I most definitely think that the Subway wordmark is clever, originial, and distinct. It’s distinctive wordmark that is composed with bold typefaces combined with arrows makes the public imagine the literal subway. The slightly italicized wordmark and the arrow gives an impression of swiftness and fastness while the green and yellow still shows how healthy it could be at the same time.

  2. Flickr similarly reminds me of the Facebook word mark. Both utilize the lower case, the light blue color, and simple font. The simplicity of these word marks suggest the simplicity of the website. They are easy to access and to navigate. The boldness of the font also suggest the websites strength and ability to handle a great amount of users.

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