

Star Wars is one of the most iconic and recognizable “perfect” word marks. It is a custom made typeface which was based on a Helvetica Italic font. The sleek lines and flowing script give it a futuristic appearance. The yellow colored lettering stands against the black (galaxy) background giving it depth and a sense of unknown. The combination of the elongated “S” and the “T” as well as the “R” and the “S” add a distinct and memorable quality to this word mark.


Lego has a very fun and playful word mark with bright colors and a relaxed typeface which appeals to children. The word mark has close or tight kerning which correlates with the actual stacking of the Lego blocks. The Lego word mark has evolved over time to its present day simplistic, digital friendly design. http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/LEGO_logo

2 thoughts on “Wordmark.

  1. The Star Wars logo is an interesting beast. I say that to point out a topic you brought up. The black logo of the galaxy, a void of the unknown. I like your thoughts on that, and I guess so did Lucas, because they use that negative space so much to give different messages. Though looking on it now, you have to think about how 70’s-ish it looks. We think of sharp fonts that give us the feeling of razor-sharp cutting-edge technology. Though Star Wars as well marketed as it is now, and we think of it as a correlation to space instantly, it’s kinda whimsical in a way.


  2. Thank you for the link. We can see how Lego’s logo changed for more than 70 years. The letters changed from sharp corner to round, becoming more friendly to children who are their targeted customers. Also, more colors are included, like red, yellow, black, and white. I like the last one the most because it is brighter and more attractive.

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