WWF - speciesThe World Wildlife Foundation employs the use of exquisite photography in an animals most intimate setting. This is essential to the success of the organization as it must appeal to its followers and subsequent donators that the very objects this website advertisers are worth saving. These photos are always of incredibly high quality and attempt to capture the detail and beauty of the environment in which the animal is set. Whether that be by using a wide angled lense to capture the greater area of a habitat (like shown with the turtle above) or zoomed in amazingly close, this website always parades its photos in an incredible way. The above picture really plays with light well as you can see the rays from the sun flooding in on the turtle from above and leading the viewers eye to this tranquil animal, imploring for the viewer to help it in its time of need. The blueness of the water is very calming and easy for the viewer to look at. This is often how the WWF displays its pictures as it evokes the most appropriate response from viewers.


2 thoughts on “WWF

  1. I love this website because of the focus on photography. If you have an endangered species, but a crappy photo, there is an impact, but not as big as one would expect. WWF is very smart in their use of the photo as the entire page, focusing specifically on one animal and dedicating the main page to that animal for however long the photo is used. Even though this photo is primarily cool colors, it works because of the environment that the turtle is in. The cool blues and grays contrast, yet complement, the harsh black of the menu bar.

  2. This is a very good photo. The light from the upper right leads people to the turtle, while the turtle’s hand points to the words. The blue water gives people a sense of peace and quiet.

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