Personal Logo

Personal Logo

My first thought when I was sketching out different ideas was wanting to do something with the “rah” since it was in both my first and last name. I added the color to my first name and made my last name thinner so it might help differentiate between the two. I used the same font and color as my resume because I assumed people I may be giving my resume to, I’ll also be giving a business card to, so it would be beneficial to have every piece of my paper identity coherent.

Personal Logo 2


For this second idea, I wanted to incorporate something with the S and G in my names being similar curves and shapes. I think this one might be a little difficult to comprehend, and it might be because of the font. I think because the font is slightly unusual, it might get in the way of understanding it. However, on a business card with other information, it might make more sense. At first I had the G in the same maroon color as the first logo, but decided to change it so it would have more a contrast with the black S on top of it.

2 thoughts on “Personal Logo

  1. I agree that the second one might be a little more difficult to understand, but I do think it would make more sense if placed next to your full name. I like that you incorporated the geometric elements of your initials. Since red and green are complementary colors, it might be interesting to use the maroon instead of the black on top of the teal.

  2. I really really like the first logo. I thought it was very clever and and simply done in a fun way. As for the second logo, it’s really cool, however, like you said, I didn’t understand it until I realized that it was your initials. I think it is pretty cool with the transparency of the blue. They are great colors to use. It’s pretty difficult to decide which one I like better because the first one is very clever, but it’s more like a wordmark and the second one is cool and more like a logo.

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