What I Learned

Coming into Graphics 217 I knew quite a bit about Adobe software and how to use programs in photoshop, so I did not expect to learn too much more than what I had already known. However, I actually learned a lot more than expected. Certain functions in Illustrator were alien to me and programs such as InDesign were beyond my knowledge. Having completed the course, not only do I know how to use these programs but I now know how to use them to create an effective advertisement and image.

Final Thoughts

I definitely learned so much from this class. I had a little bit of experience with photoshop, but I never had touched indesign or illustrator in my life. The class could get a bit frustrating at times because it seemed like my classmates knew so much more about the programs than I did so it felt hard to catch up. All in all though I’m very glad I had the opportunity to take this class to gain skills that I will need later in life.

Final blog post

This class was extremely helpful. Before I had absolutely no knowledge on any of the adobe programs. I really enjoyed every single project, however,my two favorites were the resume and the ipad projects. The skills that I learnt in this class will carry on with me for a very long time and will be very helpful in my career in advertising. Although this class had a heavy workload, i am sad that it is over.

Final Thoughts

This class felt like a giant semester-long workshop. Since I had no prior experience with InDesign, Photoshop, or Illustrator, I had to learn how to use the programs just from making mistakes. This was frustrating at times, but I think it ultimately benefited me because it really helped me learn. If I messed up and spent and hour more trying to learn how to fix it, chances are I wasn’t going to make that same technical mistake again. It also helped me learn how to think more creatively through the conceptualization process. The projects were very relevant to the current job market, so I only hope that I can take the skills I learned and apply them to more professional design work in the future.

Final Thoughts

I was definitely surprised by what I learned in this class. I thought I wouldn’t really be interested in the projects since I’m not interested in design, but I thought it was really interesting to learn about how different visual patterns affect how the viewer receives the information being shared. Additionally, I think it was great that we got to learn how to use a variety of different programs and get pretty well acquainted with them. I had never used the adobe programs before this and I’m definitely going to use these skills going forward.

Final Blog Post

The most important thing I learned in this class was better use the Adobe programs. I’d already had some background in both Photoshop and InDesign, but I had been introduced to Illustrator with this class. It was definitely beneficial and I feel a lot more comfortable saying that I have experience with these programs on my resume. The class did need a lot of patience but in the end, I’m glad I took it. It enhances my portfolio and skill sets and puts me a step above a lot of other people in my field that don’t know how to use any of these programs.

What I learned

This class was actually very helpful and I learned a lot from it. First off, I learned all the programs in the Adobe suite and how to use them. I was knowledgable in Photoshop but now having knowledge about the other programs I realized which I prefer and what each program is better to handle. I learned a lot about typography and what fonts to use where and when. Also, I learned what makes a visual aspect effective, especially with advertisements and magazines. I thought it was also very helpful to know how to make a graphic. I thought the resume project was the most beneficial because it is something we could use in the future.

What I Learned

To be completely honest I was dreading this class all summer.  I had taken a class in adobe illustrator my sophomore year of high school and knew that I had a tough time with these programs.  But I actually learned a lot more than I thought I would and really kind of enjoyed the whole experience.  I learned a lot about typography and how the typeface and kerning and leding can all make such a enormous impact in the text you are trying to display.  I learned about visual hierarchy and the gestalt principles.  And most importantly I learned how to use the basic programs in the adobe design platform.  I had a lot more fun playing around with these than I thought I would and even though they are frustrating because they are so advanced, I feel as though I managed to get a decent grasp with all three.

Final post

Though I did a floating redo on the ipad project, I posted my ipad design before thanksgiving break and here is the link to it: https://gra217.expressions.syr.edu/s5g1/?p=1514

Before this class, I am unfamiliar with the graphic design software such as indesign and illustrator. This class enable me to have some basic ideas about these softwares. Besides, it also help me understand some basic concept of graphic design. I really like doing the ipad design on illustrator. The interactivity is great.