Final Reflection

Last semester when I scheduled for GRA 216, I was definitely a little nervous. The only program that I really had any sort of grasp on was InDesign and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to dedicate the time that was necessary to finish the projects. Now that the course is done and all of the projects are turned in, I feel much more comfortable using the different Adobe Suite programs. There were so many details about graphic design that I learned. Terminology, color associations, typeface uses and plenty more. The most valuable tool that I learned that I’ll be leaving the semester with is definitely learning the interactivity for the iPad design. That’s a huge plus when it comes to resume building and impressing future bosses. It was also helpful to have my work critiqued by someone who really knew graphic design, and not just a friend telling me if it looked good or not. I have definitely learned a lot and I am sure I’ll be able to use the lessons I learned when I’m making posters in the future.