Coming into the class I did not have more than an elementary knowledge of graphic design and the softwares involved. After learning about the powerful ways in which the principles of design affect all aspects of life, I now recognize the value and worth in being able to manipulate public perception through the use of design tools and techniques. Prior to this class, I did not analyze and understand graphic design in the same way that I do now as I now am able to make the best use out of design principles and tools such as kerning and leading. Also, I now blame this class for how I will never be able to look at text the same way–now type is more than type. Now I find myself looking at typefaces and am able to recognize whether it is a serif, sans-serif, or another possible typeface. Counters, kerning, x-heights, margins, the rule of thirds, complimentary and analogous colors–forever stuck in my head thanks to this class!