Adobe Illustrator


This image was most likely done in Adobe Illustrator using primarily the pen, paint bucket, and text tool. The designer most likely used the shape tool to draw a rectangle for the background and then filled the shape in with blue using the color tool. The the designer probably used the text tool to write D’OH! in white. Having completed the backdrop the designer then probably used the pen tool to draw the outline of Homer and used the color tool to fill in the different sections of his face and upper body. The pen tool was also most likely used to create the details within the outline like his hair, eyes, shirt, etc. This image is simple yet conveys emotion very well and is a great representation of Homer Simpson.

3 thoughts on “Adobe Illustrator

  1. Since Homer is a well-known character, the illustrator might have even traced him using the pen tool from the original artist’s rendition in The Simpsons. Once the illustrator was done with the basic black outline, he/she could just fill them in with solid colors since Homer is two dimensional. However, I disagree that the illustrator used the type tool to write D’OH! Most likely, they created their own type by drawing it in with the paint tool. It looks very hand-drawn.

  2. This image would be extremely simple to create in illustrator, however, I’m sure it is not always done with this program. Because Homer Simpson is made up of basic lines and curves he makes for an easy creation in illustrator. I do agree that the pen tool was used to create this image, but are there any other possibilities that the artist could have used to create the image? What about the shape tool? I also am curious to how the artist managed to overlay Homer over the text in the background.

  3. This definitely would be fairly simple to produce on illustrator. I believe the designer created homer Simpson by tracing him instead of using the rectangle and circle tools as mentioned. I also disagree with the artist using a type to write the “D’OH”, just because it looks very hand drawn in my opinion. However, I do agree that the artist relied heavily on the pen tool. All in all, this is a great visual.

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