logoBefore sketching my logo I first thought about what I wanted it to communicate. I’ve always loved to travel and would like to do PR for company or organization that works internationally. I thought the perfect symbol to represent my love for travel and work goal would be a globe. I realized that if I made my last initial wide enough it could work as both a globe and G. I then noticed that by simply adding a line in front of the globe I would also represent my first initial.

2 thoughts on “LOGO

  1. This is a really neat idea for a logo it combines a lot of interesting and stylish details. First, I like how the K and G are combined by the swirling leg. Also putting the world into the G creates the exact feel that was intended. It looks classy and international just like a good PR agency should.

  2. I love the logo, it’s super creative. Its awesome how you were able to make the K work as your G as well, I would have never thought about that. It definitely portrays everything you’re trying to communicate. My only recommendation would be to make the stem of the g less curvy so it more obvious that it is a G.

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