Power of Words


This poster struck me as standing out from all other posters I searched primarily due to its color and white space. The first image I saw was the bigger white hand which intrigued me because I was wondering what the hand represented. After I saw the smaller hands reaching up and the type below the message hit me. The message the this poster conveys for Amnesty International is simple, yet powerful. The color is enough to grab your attention, but not overwhelming. The white space is what makes the poster so powerful. I feel as if the poster did its job and the message of the organization is clear.


3 thoughts on “Power of Words

  1. I really like this poster and the way that the hands reaching up are going the opposite direction of the hand print which creates a sense of balance and juxtaposition between the two. The good use of white space and coral color are striking and alluring to the eye. First drawn to the hands, the eyes then are led to the bottom center where the words “Amnesty International” are aligned on top of one another with International on the bottom with more leading in a smaller size text in a delicate, thin-stroked font.

  2. I love the illustration on this photo. After all of the posters with hands I’ve seen before, i had yet to see one like this. I love that the spaces of the fingers are more arms reaching out. It’s so creative!

  3. When I saw this poster I looked up Amnesty International and found on the Who We Are page that it is a “global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights”. I think that the images of the hands really represent their message of people from all over coming together in a meaningful way. The bold and warm color of the poster makes it really pop out at the viewer. I also really like the two weights that were used for the text and the pattern of: heavy hand on top, lighter hands on bottom, heavy font on top, lighter font on bottom. I think this poster is simple, yet represents the organization in a very powerful way.

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