Website Photography

Screen shot 2013-10-17 at 1.30.26 PMI chose spalding as a representation of a website with good photography because there home page caught my attention with all of the differnet pictures that it displayed. The photograph above is one in a set of images that rotate on the home page. I took a screen shot of this image in particular because I feel like it grabs the viewers attention from the start. The concrast between the man’s body and the background gives the image an over all feeling of accomplishment. It makes it seem as if the man is workign really hard to achieve some aspect of physical fitness. The light highlights his athletic features which is what spalding is about. The photograph effectively communicates to the viewers that Spalding is an athletic company, and targets viewers who are into physical fitness or sports. I feel like the designer chose this image because it is general enough to make the viewer understand the object of the website, but not so specific that the viewer may think the website is for a specific sport. The picture adds depth to the website’s overall design by giving it a casual/determined tone which is what the target audience is looking for.


2 thoughts on “Website Photography

  1. I also think Spalding did a great job choosing this photo as one of their featured home page pictures. Most of the people going on their site probably have some sort of athletic interest and a large majority of athletes have been involved in track and field in high school or even middle school. Regardless of what age someone was at when they were in track, they know and remember the start of their race. The start is full of adrenaline and power. This photo looks like it was taken right after this runner came out of his blocks, which helped them capture all of his power. Even though this photo does not feature the athlete’s face, anyone who can relate to the picture will feel emotion and they will feel the adrenaline that they get every time they’re waiting for the gun to go off.

  2. This photo has a lot of movement. The athlete is very active–it looks like the photographer caught him right in the moment with perfect form. It also looks like the photo is edited with more shadow to make his muscles more defined. The placement of the text really works, standing out from the dark blue background. It also makes use of the rule of thirds, creating asymmetry and a more visually-appealing photo.

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