Adobe Illustrator



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This is a piece of art that was created in Adobe Illustrator.  From my perspective, I believe that this image was created with the pen tool.  It particularly catches my attention because the lines are not straight, but curved to give off the idea that this image was hand drawn.  Furthermore, the use of the black background makes the other three colors of the image pop to the viewer.  Overall, this image is extremely well done.

3 thoughts on “Adobe Illustrator

  1. This is a pretty neat image. The way that only the finer details are colored give the image a negative look. We can make out what the main part of the picture is supposed to be by piecing together the smaller clues from the few bright images. It looks like the glasses were traced over by the almighty pen tool. The bright obviously pops out, but what is interesting is the way that black space is treated like white space in this picture. It is the negative, simple area that we notice, but pass over.

  2. This image is great to look at closely to really analyze the details. It is interesting to look at the shapes that the designer decided to use to make the image slightly abstract. Also the shading and the small bright points that are used helps give the image some dimension. The extensive black space also helps to add depth. It is definitely a good use of the pen tool.

  3. I totally agree with heavy use of the pen tool in creating this image, but I also think that this could be an edited photo as opposed to an original drawing. There are color settings which allow you to maximize image contrast by reverting to shades of grey or even just black and white. I think the artist picked a photo and set the color to only black and white, then played with the contrast until the non-black spaces were the only white spaces showing. The artist could then have gone into the paint bucket tool and selected the greys, blues, purples, oranges, etc. that we see here.

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