Blog Post: Website

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I truly enjoy this website for several reasons.  The rotating images from all their different product lines initially grabs the viewer’s attention.  Second, it uses images all throughout the entire page instead of words to depict their products in use.  It’s black background contrasts well with the red colors.  Overall, this is a well designed website that allows viewer’s to scroll through very easily.

2 thoughts on “Blog Post: Website

  1. I like the simplicity, along with the use of icons next to the headers, which make navigation on the website straight forward, and easy to use. The sans serif typeface chosen works, and having a heavier weighted text, then a lighter one and then a heavier one makes certain words jump out more, such as “I am a midfielder,” along with the “stallion HD” which is meant to be advertised. STX uses typeface to their advantage on this web page. Lastly, the color scheme is pretty cool, with a lot of reds and blacks, lacrosse takes on the more violent, gritty game that it is intended to be displayed as.

  2. This website uses good color combinations to stand out and give it more of a menacing and intimidating presence. The use of a hard nose looking play staring into the picture helps embody the rough and tough sport that lacrosse is. The layout is clean and use of bold and sized fonts help to make it pop out at you and make a big impact.

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