Blog Post: Website

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I truly enjoy this website for several reasons.  The rotating images from all their different product lines initially grabs the viewer’s attention.  Second, it uses images all throughout the entire page instead of words to depict their products in use.  It’s black background contrasts well with the red colors.  Overall, this is a well designed website that allows viewer’s to scroll through very easily.

Adobe Illustrator



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This is a piece of art that was created in Adobe Illustrator.  From my perspective, I believe that this image was created with the pen tool.  It particularly catches my attention because the lines are not straight, but curved to give off the idea that this image was hand drawn.  Furthermore, the use of the black background makes the other three colors of the image pop to the viewer.  Overall, this image is extremely well done.




I really enjoy this poster because it uses the same words (truth, way, justice, American) to make a picture of Superman in front of the American Flag.  This image both brings out the child in everyone and their patriotic beliefs.  In no way whatsoever does the words ever describe what the image actually is, just what it stands for.  Furthermore, the colors themselves instantly attract the eye right to Superman’s chest where is classic S insignia lies.

This image is creative in the fact that it is simply made from words in different text colors.  When someone sees this poster, he or she instantly wishes it was them in front of the flag.

Week 2 Blog Post

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While I am a huge fan of the Iron Man series, the posters are what originally got me to see the movies.  The layout of the design attracts your eye to the warm color and the largest figure.  In addition, the eye is attracted to all the commotion in the background.  The color of the type fades in from top to bottom and truly illustrates the tone of the movie.  Furthermore, the type at the bottom is the perfect size so it leaves enough room for the picture and it is still legible.



Being from Philadelphia, I am already a huge Rocky fan.  The type is very simple and casual, just like a man from Philly.  The poster utilizes the white space, while making enough room for the iconic main character.  The reason this poster is so powerful is because a person does not need to have seen the movie to understand; he or she can look directly into the main character’s eyes and feel the emotion.  This is the epitome of graphic and type combination.

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The design of the Ferrari Word Mark is bold and eye catching.  It distinguishes itself from the competition through its warm red color that attracts the human eye.  This attraction garners the want of every individual, but the thick bold body copy depicts the fact that only the elite can have this vehicle.  The extension of the tip of the ‘F’ illustrates speed, adventure and the overall vision and mission of Ferrari as the essence of class.  



The layout of the ESPN word mark utilizes white space in order to ensure that the letters seem effortlessly attached.  The fact that the letters S and P are actually attached reminds all those who see this logo that it deals with sports.  The warm red coloring is bold and instantly grabs the eyes attention.  The two layers of the letters distinguish the word mark and intrigue those who see it.