Typography -Blog 4

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I really like this poster. The colors drive one to get inspiration and move, with the red background. The typography is very playful and almost looks hand drawn to emphasize people have power and can change the world. The typeface is of the novelty variety and is very successful with the message it is trying to convey.

Week 4 Blog: Typography Design post


As is shown here, you can do some pretty cools things just by arranging and adjusting words and letters. Find a design that primarily relies on typography. It can be anything, a poster, a booklet, or a magazine page. And find out what sorts of typographic elements make it stand out.

The deadline for blog post is September 18, Friday by 11:59 P.M.

The deadline for resume post is September 18, Friday by 11:59 P.M. You don’t need to put your rationale in it.

This week you need to make two comments on two of your classmates’ resume design. The deadline is Sunday by 11:59 P.M.